? Keeping Pets Safe at Christmas! ?

70 posts

? Keeping Pets Safe at Christmas! ?

Merlin, Ripley and Echo helped me film some top tips to help protect pets while we decorate our Christmas trees as part of the ‘How to Decorate your Christmas Tree’ programme on Ch5. Sadly the pet section didn’t run but I still have my advice to help us protect our pets, so […]

Update on Training Classes from 2nd December 2020

From 2nd December 2020 when Lockdown 2 ends, Essex and Suffolk will be in Tier 2 restrictions. These are mostly similar to the previous Tier 2 but have changed a little. The most relevant areas regarding dog training classes is that for work, and education purposes, we can use the […]

Puppy Playbiting Online Talk

We are looking forward to running our free online Puppy Playbiting talk via Zoom today! To join in you’ll need to use this link to get to Eventbright and scroll down to the bottom to click the Register button, then the info for the Zoom session is in the Eventbright […]

We’re still here to help you and your dogs!

With many changes in the guidelines from the Pet Industry Federation, DEFRA and CFSG we are doing our best to stay up to date, legal and safe for our training team and our customers during this second lockdown! We have limited 121’s running in person at the Ardleigh training premises, […]

Norwich Terrier looking at a laptop with her paw on the keyboard

Website Training Module Two Completed!

Thank you Richard and Sarah for todays training – after 3 1/2 years Hannah’s photo is finally added to her info on our meet the team page – go and take a look! Being able to make updates to the website myself means when I’m arranging new training dates or […]

Fireworks Week!

So we have had plenty of Fireworks this week but there may be more tonight so here is some advice you can use to her your puppy or dog:https://youtu.be/taFXzmvPALo Plus after the fireworks have finished, a dog that is fearful of the Fireworks will need time to recover mentally, emotionally […]

Training during November Lockdown

Although our in-person training will need to stop between Thursday 5th November 2020 and Tuesday 1st December 2020 (restarting Wednesday 2nd December) we have many options with our Online Training!! Contact us for the full information or check out the event pages on our Facebook Page for information about how […]

Website training module one complete!!

A BIG thank you to Richard and Sarah for today’s training for our wonderful new Website! More updates and changes to come over the next few weeks and if you would like to receive updates and our dog training newsletters with information, advice and forthcoming training dates including in person […]

New Website

Dog Training for Essex and Suffolk has a new website. It contains all the news and articles of the old one but with a clean new design.

Previous Posts

Joe put a lot of other posts onto another site before we got the new website. You can find them all here: https://joenutkinsdogtrainer.wordpress.com/