Canine Hoopers Training

Piper age 5 – photo credit Joe Nutkins

What is Canine Hoopers?

Canine Hoopers is still quite a new dog sport that has officially been running for around 3-4 years. It originally was part of Agility in other countries outside of UK but came to the UK as a new sport on it’s own and has become popular with dogs of all ages and training levels!

Joe Nutkins became an Accredited Canine Hoopers Instructor in May 2019 and is trusted to guide dogs through their training by a number of owners for Introduction, Novice and Advanced levels! We can help you with Hoopers for Fun or for Competition!

With the main equipment being Hoops, Tunnels, Barrels and Touch n Go Mat there isn’t too much for dogs to learn at the beginning so we quickly move onto skills, distance handling and courses – dogs with Agility training experience may find moving to Hoopers easy as they already have an understanding of moving ahead on cue, left and right turns etc, while dogs without any Agility training under their belts will pick up the new skills very quickly using shaping methods to help dogs to find value in using the equipment!

What do dogs do with the equipment?
Hoops – stand up hoops for dogs to run through – following a smooth pattern including straight lines and arcs
Tunnels – 800mm diameter, and either 1, 2 or 3 metres long – tunnels are to be run through in a straight line
Barrels – these are for dogs to go around, in both directions depending on the course requirements
Touch n Go Mat – re flat replacement for the Agility A Frame, dogs run across these mats, ignoring poles at the corners, to move to the next equipment.

We start with teaching dogs how to navigate the Hoops without needing luring – lots of shaping here! Then adding more Hoops, pinwheel of Hoops, Arcs etc.

Moving on to Tunnels and Barrels we ensure dogs are comfortable moving around the equipment in both directions.

Touch n Go Mat (also known as Tango Mat) comes in around the time that we are starting smaller courses and typically doesn’t take long for dogs to learn!

Then we start linking different equipment together so dogs can learn to go through hoops and tunnels, around barrels and across the mat to see how a course developments and for handlers to learn where they should be to help their dogs.

Moving on to changes of direction, crossing over from one side of a course to another, sending dogs ahead and more as we progress!

Dogs really enjoy the fun and freedom of Hoopers training – there are exercises Puppies can start with as there is no impact and no sharp turns. Adult dogs can progress skills continuously which helps with focus. Senior dogs enjoy taking part in Hoopers as they prepare for potential muscle or joint issues so dogs needing to retire from Agility, Heelwork to Music, Flyball etc often find Hoopers a great alternative but we also have a lot of dogs taking part that are starting their training journey after the age of 7 years plus!

Inca age 8 – photo credit Joe Nutkins

We currently run Hoopers Training as One Off Workshops as well as 1-2-1 Training sessions. 1-2-1’s can be for a single dog/handler, a single handler with more then one dog, or for friends/family to train together in their own session for some fun.

For more information about Hoopers in-person and online contact us: We have our next One Off Hoopers sessions running on:
Introduction Session – Saturday July 2024 – Date to be confirmed
Novice Monthly Session – Saturday 15th June 2024 2pm
Advanced Monthly Session – Saturday 15th June 2024 3.30pm

Extra Hoopers Skills Session Friday 7th June 2024 1-3pm

All Hoopers sessions need to be booked in advanced as these fill up fast!

1-2-1 Hoopers Training Sessions run weekday afternoons and can be for you and your dog or share a session with a friend and their dog too!

Want to join in the Hoopers fun?

What’s App or Text us on 07809 117912
Take a look at our online booking system for availability and next dates!

Merlin age 8 – photo credit Joe Nutkins

Launched July 2022!!!

Happy Hoopers Awards!

We are thrilled to have launched our fun Happy Hoopers Awards – with various levels of skills to work with our dogs on to help towards Hoopers Training as well as having specific goals to work towards!

Bronze level has been launched and our first three dogs to achieve theirs are Tia, Maddy and Piper! Well done guys!

These awards are created by Dog Training For Essex & Suffolk and Happy Hoopers Essex and assessments are included in your Hoopers Training along with your certificate! Rosettes are available for a small fee to cover the additional costs. Want to know more about the Happy Hoopers Awards? Pop us a message!

Happy Hoopers Awards can be assessed in person or via online. Guidelines for online assessments are available.