Happy Hallowe’en!!!

Or maybe; Happy Howl-o-ween!!

Merlin, Ripley and Aero – October 2022!

It’s Halloween weekend so that’s this Saturday, Sunday and potentially Monday all focused on spooky happenings!

But don’t worry, we have some advice to help you and your dogs breeze through the weekend;

🎃 Toxic Decorations:
Halloween has some of the best themed props of any holiday and this includes decorations for house and garden as well as costumes. Just be aware your dog may try nibbling on a rubber bat prop or find the scary make up used to complete your costume. Just ensuring your dog doesn’t have unsupervised access can make Halloween safer!

👻 Trick or Treat!
Whether you take part in handing out treats when you have a knock on the door, buy Halloween sweets for yourself or are going trick or treating do be careful that your dog cannot reach any candy or chocolate! Storing in a tin with a lid, in a cupboard or up high can help!

🎃 Plan your dog walks:
If you usually walk your dog around the block or through an area with a Halloween party taking place nearby and it’s afternoon or evening bear in mind there may be people in costumes or possible groups doing trick or treating etc and this may startle or worry your dog – or may excite them! Are you able to walk your dog in another area / direction, drive somewhere, go another time or stay home and do some games, play, try training some fun tricks etc

👻 Costumes – People and Dogs:
Are you heading out to a Halloween party? Or have visitors coming who may bring a Halloween prop, or maybe have young children who have costumes? Remember costumes provide dogs with new visuals as well as scent and even sound!! Let your dog see you putting a scary mask on or add a witches nose so they know it’s you, let them observe people wearing costumes at a distance to take it all in at their own pace and also remember not all dogs will be happy wearing doggie outfits – lip licking, yawning, turning away, wide eyes, ears pinned back, moving away can all be subtle signs you dog isn’t comfortable. A Halloween bandana or themed jumper can be kinder for a worried dog although even these can be too much at times.

🎃 Does your Dog need disturbing?
Some dogs will be fine with new sounds and people at the door but for many having the doorbell going numerous times in one evening or hearing people talking outside can be unsettling, make them anxious or disturb them from resting. Dogs with health issues, recovering from surgery, dogs who are anxious or rescue dogs new to their home may all benefit from less disturbances so removing batteries from the doorbell, putting up a polite sign that you are not participating in Trick or Treating, setting your dog up with a nice cosy bed in another room away from the front of the house if you’re in a busy area are just a few ideas.

Enjoy the Halloween weekend and enjoy your dogs too!

Joe, Merlin, Ripley and Aero!